Here's the sunset on November 28 at 4:42 p.m. This was taken with my awesome Canon camera -- the detail is amazing.-------------------------------------------------
Thursday, December 9, 2010 - ...back to my story that started on
Andrew and Jarrett's Forever in Our Hearts Blog...
There's a reason I like to get early morning appointments - the traffic in the afternoon is nuts and the drivers are all psychos.
Between here and Wheaton there are probably close to 20 traffic lights. I hit every, single RED light. Plus, there was a slow freight train in West Chicago. ay caruma!
I don't mind driving in traffic on dry roads in the winter time but I do mind driving on the same roads with CRAZY people!!!
It was like a bi-polar driving experience. There were people driving VERY slow and others who were driving very FAST
(those are the lane-changers). It was pretty bizarre - can't we all just drive 5 miles over the speed limit and stop the insanity.
WHEATON EYE CLINIC: When Dr. Lee checked the pressure in my right eye, it was 17. Very good. She said that my cornea was a little dry. Wait a minute....when was the last time she put plugs in my tear ducts? OMG! That was it. That was my problem. I was so happy to hear that. She put new plugs in and I was good to go.
She did mention that at some point I might want to consider having my tear ducts lasered shut permanently which would keep my eye moist so that I could avoid the pain and suffering that comes from the collagen plugs dissolving and the moisture evaporating. I'm on board with that. Avoid pain. It sounds weird but she totally knows what she's doing. I trust her.
Pretty soon, I'll be getting my blood drawn again for the autologous serum tears. It seems as though I just did that. Times flies whether you're having fun or not.
Of course, driving home toward the west was a unique experience in its own right because the sun was setting and it was at an extremely annoying angle --- directed right at my eyes. How totally NOT FUN!! Obviously, I made it home or I wouldn't be writing these words. haha.
WEATHER UPDATE: We're supposed to be getting an inch of *snow* this afternoon. Can't wait for that. bye for now, djb