Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When I found this card again after soooo many years, I totally cracked up. I couldn't wait until my birthday so I could put it on here. What a hoot!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - Happy Birthday to Andrew and Jarrett's mom. This is so much fun. BUT....I just remembered that it's also garbage day so I've got to go take out the garbage can and the recyclables. So, I'll talk to you later. bye for now, djb

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last week, I noticed that the hornets' nest had been moved to a more secure spot where it is actually sitting on a branch instead of hanging by a mere tiny stick. I know that a person did not do this, and we didn't have any strong winds that could have moved it. HOW did it get up there? You tell me and we'll both know. It's very weird and very, very strange because it's so high up in the tree. Maybe it was the groundhog?
Sunday, September 20, 2009 - Last Tuesday, I finally saw Dr. David and after checking my eyes (mainly the right eye) for an hour and a half, he came to the conclusion that I should stop putting all of the prescription drops in my right eye and just take the diamox to lower the pressure and just put a preservative-free OTC drop in every three hours.

I thought, "Hey, that's just crazy enough that it might work!"

On Tuesday the pressure in my right eye was 32. When I went in on Friday, it was 18. My cornea is getting better and I can sort of see. At least, I feel that I'm headed in the right direction. It seems as though I was taking drops to alleviate the side effects of the other drops I was taking. duh!!!!!!

Of course, the diamox makes me feels somewhat wacky. For now, Bob has to mow the lawn. Poor Juanita Querida, she's so confused. Where's my mama???

Better go. see ya later. djb

Thursday, September 17, 2009

While I was mowing the lawn last Saturday, I came across THIS scene in the back yard. I'm not sure what animal dug these holes, but it seems most likely that it was a groundhog.
Thursday, September 17, 2009 - It's a little bit after 8 a.m. and I haven't taken my diamox YET because I want to update this blog before it completely gets away from me.

I'll be back later to finish this but I wanted to at least get this up. later gator, djb

Friday, September 11, 2009

Here's the finished product. The driveway finally looks pretty. I put the workers' picture in first, but this one landed on the top of the page, so it's going to stay here! Those little white things are fallen leaves.

Here are the guys putting the sealcoat on our driveway yesterday. The weather cooperated - it was a perfect day - sunny and close to 80 degrees.
Friday, September 11, 2009 - Last Sunday, I spent 5 hours removing everything off the driveway and pruning all the plants, leaves and evergreens that were encroaching so that when the sealcoating guys came this week, they would have a clean slate to work with. They came, they sealed, they left. Finally, another task crossed off my list.

Yes, I sure do remember September 11, 2001. I wrote about it on in one of the old links. It was a day that looked exactly like today except for the fact that Andrew and Jarrett were still alive then.

That's how I mark time now -- before 03/03/03 and after. It may seem odd but I think the people who lost loved ones on 9/11/01 understand more than anyone what I'm talking about. Lives end - life changes.

Better get my skedaddling shoes on. later, djb

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here's Marcos from US Waterproofing posing for a picture before he puts the "magic dust" in the ground to protect our house from seepage.

Here's Marcos pouring in the "magic dust" behind the hosta which have been seriously manhandled this year. The new air conditioning unit is partially visible on the right.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 - Happy Birthday, Grandpa O'Malley! Happy Birthday to you!

I so very much wanted to write in here yesterday on 09/09/09 but that didn't happen -- at least today is a memorable day. Plus, we're getting the driveway sealcoated this afternoon!!

When I answered the door yesterday morning and was greeted by a smiling Marcos, he informed me that of course he knew where the problem with the small crack in the foundation was because he had been here 9 years ago when we first had it done!!! Say what?? OMG

I told him that it had worked perfectly for three years, then on the coldest day in January 2003, we had a gas leak. NICOR (Northern Illinois Gas Corp) came to our house at or about midnight to repair the leakage. They dug up the yard using a backhoe. Plus, they had to turn off the gas which keeps the house warm. That was a non-issue.

The problem surfaced when Andrew and Jarrett woke up the next morning and couldn't wake up. I still remember it quite clearly. They both dreamed about "some sort of noise" all night long. It didn't wake them up all the way but they didn't get a restful sleep. So, I let them stay home and sleep because I was also sleepy. What a hoot!

After the gas company disruption, I didn't notice leakage on the carpet downstairs right away but it started to happen intermittently. Not as bad as it had been previously but annoying enough for me to finally call US Waterproofing again.

Imagine my surprise when they told me that I'd only have to pay for a service call because it was still under warranty. What a top notch company. I've recommended them to everyone who might have a seepage problem. Only because what they do WORKS. Well, unless you get gas!

Gotta go. See ya later. bye, djb