Friday, September 11, 2009

Here's the finished product. The driveway finally looks pretty. I put the workers' picture in first, but this one landed on the top of the page, so it's going to stay here! Those little white things are fallen leaves.

Here are the guys putting the sealcoat on our driveway yesterday. The weather cooperated - it was a perfect day - sunny and close to 80 degrees.
Friday, September 11, 2009 - Last Sunday, I spent 5 hours removing everything off the driveway and pruning all the plants, leaves and evergreens that were encroaching so that when the sealcoating guys came this week, they would have a clean slate to work with. They came, they sealed, they left. Finally, another task crossed off my list.

Yes, I sure do remember September 11, 2001. I wrote about it on in one of the old links. It was a day that looked exactly like today except for the fact that Andrew and Jarrett were still alive then.

That's how I mark time now -- before 03/03/03 and after. It may seem odd but I think the people who lost loved ones on 9/11/01 understand more than anyone what I'm talking about. Lives end - life changes.

Better get my skedaddling shoes on. later, djb


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