Here's a picture of a Bald-Faced Hornet's nest that I saw in the crab apple tree in the front yard this afternoon. Boy! Was I ever shocked. You just never know what I'm going to find next in our yard!!!
Sunday, 12, 2009 - Late this afternoon, I was looking out the garage window and I saw THIS nest in the tree out front. First, I thought it was a mud dauber's nest but after reading about those nasty guys, it just didn't sound like them. Then, I remembered that when we got our trees pruned a couple of years ago, there was a similar nest in one of the maple trees and the guys refused to touch the tree because they said, "those are hornets."
So, I went on a search and seek mission and found a really interesting website that informed me that my first reaction to spray the nest with toxins was not a good one. In fact, if you read the article, it says that these hornets kill spiders. woo hoo! That sounds good to me.
Here's the article:
Earlier in the day, I was out in the front yard and they didn't bother me at all, so I'm just going to go about my business as usual and pretend they're not there.
Gotta go put some drops in my eye. Too bad about the space shuttle and the bad weather. bummer. see ya later, djb
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