Saturday, July 11, 2009

Upper right behind the black-eyed Susans are RED monarda flowers (aka bee balm, aka firecracker plant) which have grown taller and are redder this year than they ever have been before in the history of Elburn.
Saturday, July 11, 2009 - When I was outside a little while ago, cutting down the daisies that have been whacked by the weather. I was standing behind the fence that is near the pool. Right near the entrance that the foxes use in the winter time.

There are dozens of bright red monarda out there. Tall and gorgeous. Yes, I should go out and take a picture of them. In fact, they are quite noticeable wherever they are in the yard. Usually, they look short and puny.

So, as I cut the spent daisy plants, I lamented their demise, and entered into a Zen-like state that one does while gardening. All of sudden (out of the clear BLUE sky) I saw something moving -- it was a hummingbird -- and it was initially about 3 feet away from me. At the closest, it was about 2 feet away from me.

That little birdie moved from flower to flower doing his nectar-gathering business without being afraid of me or acknowledging my presence. It was SO bizarre.

Usually, you see a hummingbird for about 5 seconds and they're gone in a flash. This time, I was standing there for about three minutes when I slowly backed away and he continued with his mission.

So, totally cool. So totally awesome. And not even a picture.....except for the one burned into my brain. sigh.....It made my day. bye bye, birdie, djb


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