Here's my soon-to-be famous right eyeball. I took this picture myself using the Flower setting on my camera. I know it's gross but it's still almost famous.
Saturday, July 31, 2010 - Sorry about the closeup of the eyeball but I forgot to put it in here the other day when I was talking about the autologous serum eye drops.
When I saw Dr. Lee last week, and we set up a time for her to draw my blood this coming Wednesday for the next round of serum eye drops, she asked me if I minded if she used a picture of my right eye in a presentation she's giving in September on the use of serum eye drops in difficult to treat corneal patients.
"Sure," said I. "You aren't going to get a picture of my hair, are you, because I didn't do anything to it today and...."
She interrupted me - laughing, "No, just your eye."
Okie dokie. So, the humorless man in the photography department took a few shots of my eye with a special camera (with VERY bright flashes) and he didn't think it was very funny when I remarked that I would be "almost famous." Personally, I thought it was hilarious.
Anyway, I imagine that after I use the serum drops for a week or so, she'll have Mr. Not So Happy take another few pictures to show how well the serum drops work. And believe me when I say that they DO work quite well, thank you.
Right now, I CAN'T WAIT. It is SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying! SEE ya later, djb