Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Here's Rachel's new sneaker. Do they still call them tennis shoes? DNK
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - Happy Half Birthday to me!

Rachel went into the city (that would be Chicago) with her mom and grandma a few weeks ago to see a play. Her comment about the play was that it was "long." haha While they were in there, she got the new shoes.

The day I took the picture up above was the day that she had to come over and say HI to me. She was carrying her basketball. When it gets warmer outside, we always play Horse. Remember, I used to beat Jarrett with the Granny shot.

That also reminds me of the day that Lindsay and Sammie came down to visit. Sammie told Lindsay that "she just had to give Aunt Donna a hug." awww Isn't that sweet!! Those little girls are so much fun!

All righty. I'd better go outside and bring in my recyclable container. I took it outside at 5:58 a.m. armed with my flashlight so I could see to the end of the driveway in case any critters were intent on stalking me. Remember - we don't have any street lights out here in the country.

Then, at exactly 6:15 a.m., I heard the garbage truck announcing his arrival loud and proud driving up the street. That is early..... Although I suppose better early than not at all. For sure. later, djb

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Earthquake Link below. Above: BANYAN TREE - Given to (Thomas) Edison by (Harvey) Firestone in 1925.
Sunday, March 13, 2011 - It's 6:47 a.m. in the new time and 5:47 a.m. in the old time. Daylight Savings Time. I heard someone say that last night. We're not fogies, we're "old school."

Here's another link to an even more comprehensive list of the earthquakes in the world. It is absolutely mind-boggling!

For some reason, I can't establish a clicky link. I'm supposed to but it's not working. It's worth cutting and pasting if you have any curiosity about our shaky planet. God bless them all. ~that's it for now, djb

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Here's a watercolor that Andrew painted many years ago.
Saturday, March 12, 2011 - I'm SO horrified by the earthquake in Japan. I can't even imagine how frightening it was for those poor people.

As soon as I could get on the computer, I went to the USGS (United States Geological Survey) and checked their info. WOW! I could NOT believe how many after-shocks they've had. After-shocks that were way worse than any earthquake I've experienced.

Here's the link to the USGS:

It seems as though the earth is moving under our feet - quite literally. You never know what's going to happen next. ~djb

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Here's the final photo of the flowers at the cemetery on March 3, 2011, including the newest bouquet of purple and yellows on the right side.
Saturday, March 5, 2011 - On Thursday afternoon, Ryan met me out at the cemetery at 4 p.m. That was the time I had decided to pick up the flowers because of the impending rain storm. And when he called, we decided to meet at that time.

Every year, his mom buys a nice arrangement from Kar-Free Flowers in Sycamore (where Rod works). They do such a fabulous job. In fact, we got tons of flowers from them when the boys died.

Anywho, it was so great to see Ryan. He's looking good. I invited him to Schmidt's but he had other plans and said he'd try to make it but he never did. Next year, the 3rd is on a Saturday so I think we can start planning now.

In fact, I've already invited some people who didn't make it this year. Plan ahead, right.

It is time for me to take care of some other business. Just a few snow flakes coming down. Pretty soon, it'll be spring. After all, I saw the robins this morning....picture to follow later. bye for now, djb

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Here are all of the flowers at the boys' grave this morning. They reside on top of the old freezer during the rest of the year.
Thursday, March 3, 2011 - I went into Blackberry Cemetery a little before 8 to put the flowers in front of Andrew and Jarrett's gravestone. Every year, I always add something new.

This year, I put together the flowers hanging from the shepherd's hooks. I wanted something that looked voluminous and I think I achieved my goal.

Then, I went over to Jewel and got my two balloons that I'll put their pictures on for tonight's get-together. I wasn't going to do it, but I just had to. They didn't have exactly what I wanted in Elburn.

But they did have blue and gold that looks yellowish, which coincidentally, were Andrew and Jarrett's favorite colors. I also got some REALLY bright flowers to put out there, too.

Gee, you didn't already have enough flowers??? Time to go and unfreeze my fingers. They're still frozen. see ya later, djb