There's the pink flowering crab behind the middle flower garden. You can see Andrew and Jarrett's candles through the red twig dogwood. The daffodils are finally fading away. They were SO gorgeous this year!
Friday, April 30, 2010 - My right eye looks red to me, it feels hot and it hurts all the time. The pain fluctuates from mild to annoying to really bad and sometimes, REALLY, REALLY BAD. The only times I get relief are the same: when I sleep and when I see the doctor and she puts those numbing drops in to check my pressure. It's an ongoing nightmare.
However, I did come across something called Nerve Growth Factor and mentioned it to my doctor. It isn't a widely known or accepted ophthalmic protocol so if I wanted to use it, I'd probably have to go to Italy or somewhere. That's funny.
We're going to try something closer to home first. This coming week, I'm going to have blood drawn out of my arm and it's going to a pharmacy that will put it in a centrifuge and separate out the serum. It'll be frozen into little weasels, and then I get to inject it into my eye with a syringe. I guess a person uses that so they don't touch it and contaminate it. But I couldn't contaminate it because it's my body fluid, after all.
Anyway, I'm really getting psyched up for this because I need some relief from the constant and annoying pain and suffering. Was I Job in a previous life or what??? When we were talking yesterday, Diane told me what types of foods and vitamins I should eat and take to help my dry eye -- make that SEVERE dry eye.
Plus, I want my blood to be extremely healthy and full of healing properties next week. I already have all sorts of special vitamins and I'm going to Trader Joe's to get lots of dark green stuff. Yesterday, I re-discovered a box of flax seeds but I do need some salmon. That was Jarrett's favorite fish. oh my God! I just read that sentence. I'll say something about THAT on the other blog.
This is the first time I've had hope for any sort of positive outcome in a very long time. If it doesn't work, then I guess I'll go to Italy to the University of Bologna. I think that was the place where they used the Nerve Growth Hormone with good results. ciao baby and hasta la vista, djb