Here's the driveway yesterday afternoon. It took me almost 3 hours to get to this point with a little help from my friend. The snow that's still on there is frozen for life or until we get above freezing.------------------------------------------------
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - Happy Wolf Moon!
On Monday, we had snow for most of the day, but then in the afternoon, it turned into sleet, then freezing rain and finally back to snow. It was an unbelievable frozen mess.
I didn't shovel on Monday because when I went out to get the papers, I got totally covered in snow and decided to wait for it to abate. Well, that never did happen until Tuesday morning. When Bob got home Monday night, it was raining on top of the snow. Strange and bizarre.
On Tuesday at 8 a.m, I started shoveling the driveway -- that lasted for about an hour and twenty minutes and then, I just started crying and I couldn't stop. boo hoo.
It was exhausting work and the snow was so HEAVY
(heart attack snow) but I couldn't quit because I knew that if I didn't get the snow off, it would freeze into ugly ice ridges.
As it was, the car tires made six separate places where the snow was mushed down and unmovable by shovel or machine. That's what pushed me over the edge -- every time I'd try to move the snow, I'd hit a barrier and was stopped short. I couldn't get any momentum going.
Plus, I felt woozy because I hadn't eaten any breakfast. Then, right in the midst of my mental breakdown, I heard the voice of an angel. My neighbor, Steve, asked me if I wanted him to finish getting the rest of the snow off with his snowblower.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
It was a miracle in Elburn. But even Steve's snowblower couldn't move the packed down snow in the middle of the driveway. Next time, I'll just go out and shovel in the snow storm and get wet and cold. It couldn't be as bad as this was.
....and now, we're headed for BELOW zero in the next few days. I wonder if I'll hear any wolves howling outside??? snow flake ya later, djb