Here's Ma Cat on our deck in February 2011 -- after the two feet of snow that had previously been there melted.
Monday, June 27, 2011 - When I talked to Granny last night, she said that she couldn't get the new update on my website. So, I'm going to put it on here and add a few more details.
Sunday's Journal Entry, June 26, 2011- Yesterday afternoon, before I started mowing the lawn, I
saw two kittens on the deck. They were very small -- and of course, I immediately knew who they came from!
The cat pictured up above is their mama. They scurried off the deck but managed to squeeze through the spaces in the fence and went UNDER the deck and then started "meowing." At least, the foxes Made no noises when they lived under there.
At first, I thought there were just the two. But later, when I was out in back yard mowing, I saw Ma Cat and her other offspring. There were either four or five going through the bushes to our neighbor's house. But the little grey one decided to run back under the deck.
These are definitely feral would understand what I'm saying here if you ever heard them howl and growl with a guttural screech that sounds like it came from the depths of hell.
WOW! And I love cats....but someone in the neighborhood is feeding them and NOT getting the Ma Cat neutered. I saw an ad about two NON-NEUTERED cats eventually being responsible for 5 million offspring in ten years. Yikes!
I wouldn't care if they weren't right under the deck and they weren't so damn cute. They are absolutely adorable. I would LOVE to have a kitty again. But then I think of Hobbes -- and I just couldn't go through that .....and I miss him so much!!! He was one mean.territorial cat. Those other cats wouldn't stand a chance if he were still here.... neither would the foxes.
Oh and speaking of the foxes -- the other night when I was talking to Granny, I saw Trey Fox sauntering around on the deck. When I started to open the screen, he left in a hurry. BUT, a few minutes later, he joined up with two other siblings.... THEN, another one joined them.
I can usually tell which ones are the females....because the males are ALWAYS fighting and rolling around in the grass with each other. So cute.
Then, there's the robin's nest next to the tree by the slide. The first set of baby birds are gone. Now, because of the recession, it's being used again! Never heard of that before. But seeing is believing.
It's like a wildlife center out here. I won't even mention the raccoon poop all over the deck, the carpet, the driveway, the yard..... They come to eat the mulberries -- here they go 'round the mulberry bush....
P.S. Ma Cat and one kitten just walked by the window in the computer room. They must think they live here......NOT!! Gotta go check on business. bye, djb
THE REST OF THE STORY: When I went upstairs and out onto the deck to tell Bob what I saw, he TOLD me what he HEARD. Apparently, one of the kittens sneaked into the garage last night and was in there all night hiding behind the pool chemicals and other stuff on the right side of the garage. That would explain the meowing I heard last night by the garage door and this morning when I went out to get the newspapers.... ah ha!
He could hear the kitten meowing and Ma Cat was outside yeowling for her baby. Bob opened the door so she could get in to retrieve her kid. But he didn't know for sure what was going on until I came up and told him I saw them. I immediately closed the garage door. This is way too hilarious. I "almost" had my kitten! Now, I know where all those paw prints in the driveway came from few weeks ago! Kitty cats. OMG!!!!