Friday, May 31, 2013

This is the purple iris that my neighbor, Cathy, gave me many years ago.  She had two and gave me one - so two minus one equals one.
Friday, May 31, 2013 - Yesterday, I told Cathy that I was going to give this iris back to her so she could put it in her own garden.  The one she kept bit the dust and she's always loved this iris.  I figure why not give it to her now so she can enjoy it.  I'll move another iris to this location.  djb

Monday, May 27, 2013

Today is Zoe's birthday.  I took this picture 4/7/2007 - that would be 6 years and one month ago.
Monday, May 27, 2013 - Happy Birthday to Zoe and Happy Memorial Day.  That's fun to have a national holiday on one's own birth date.  WOW!  I hope Zoe, Hopey and Gayla have lots of fun today and in the days to come.  ho ho ho, djb

Friday, May 24, 2013

This is not a moon, nor is it a flower but it has corn and flowery shapes on it!
Friday, May 24, 2013 - Either today or tomorrow is the full moon.  It depends where you live. Our full moon is today.  All the Bergs in Florida get to celebrate it tomorrow...or just after midnight! djb

May 25, 12:25 a.m. EDT- (May 24, 11:25 a.m. CDT)  —Full Flower Moon: Flowers are now abundant everywhere. It was also known as the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon. The moon will also undergo a penumbral lunar eclipse, but the passage of the moon's disk into the Earth's shadow will result in one of the slightest eclipses of all, administering a mere touch of penumbral shadow at the northernmost part of the lunar limb.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Here's a gorgeous pink/pink tulip surrounded by grape hyacinths.
Thursday, May 23, 2013 - I'm shocked that I haven't put any more pictures on the blog since a month ago.  What is wrong with me?  Oh yeah, I've been working out in my gardens trying to make them look pretty and WEED-free.  Good luck with that.  later, djb