Thursday, May 06, 2010

This is one of the syringes that contains my autologous serum eye drops - it's about 6 inches long.
Thursday, May 6, 2010 - Today at 11 a.m., I started putting the autologous serum eye drops into my right eye. I have to do this every TWO HOURS until further notice. That might sound onerous to most people but I've previously had to adhere to that seemingly intrusive regimen. Like two years ago when I was putting the steroid drops into my eye every two hours.

It might sound annoying but if it helps, then I'll do whatever I have to do. The pharmacy in Wheaton is not your normal neighborhood drug store. It's for real and they do really cool things! Who knew there was an International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. Not me or is it not I. hmmm who cares?! not me.

The pharmacist gave me a copy of an article from the Journal but I can't access it unless I pay $35. Some of the articles are online but I can't find this one: "Autologous Eye Drops for the Treatment of Dry Eye and Neurotrophic Keratitis." It explains my situation perfectly.

Here's a few excerpts from the Abstract: An inadequate tear film produces a variety of symptoms (ocular irritation, itching, burning, eye strain or fatigue, photophobia, foreign-body sensation, a sharp stabbing pain, blurred vision) that wax and wane in intensity and are characteristic of disorders such as dry eye and neurotrophic keratitis.

Interesting, because I've experienced ALL of those symptoms -- it hurts me just to type those words. ouch! SEE ya later, djb


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