Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Andrew and Jarrett's grave on March 3, 2010. The nativity scene is frozen into the ground so it's right behind the big angel that the girls in Jarrett's class gave us.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - The day of the accident, seven years ago, it didn't start snowing until around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Of course, then it didn't stop snowing for hours and hours. That day is burned in my memory forever -- I still remember when it started snowing.

Speaking of the cemetery......the snow is so cold and frozen that I was able to walk on top without sinking into it, which is good because I hate getting snow inside my boots. The flowers are all close together because we're supposed to be getting some strong winds later today.

We're going to meet Tim and Terri and Ryan out at the cemetery at 2 o'clock so I'd better get myself put together. This day is going by very quickly. And I've got miles to walk before I sleep. see ya later, djb


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