Sunday, August 07, 2011

This is what I saw out of the west window this morning at 4:50 a.m. -- it's a fire truck or maybe it's the ambulance.
Sunday, August 7, 2011 - A little bit after 4:30 a.m., this morning, I heard the wind outside. Yikes!

The storm was coming earlier than I thought. I had to get all of the plants out of harm's way....which I did. Then, I took some Advil and decided at exactly 5 a.m., to start putting my three different eye drops into my right eye (Azopt, Timolol and Lotemax).

Now, it's 5:48 a.m., so I figured it was probably a good time to actually FINISH the page I started for Aunt Helen since I'm awake and I just made some more coffee.

Oh, and the other thing that happened about 4:45 a.m. was that I saw a flashing RED light toward the west (pictured above). Lo and behold....there was a fire truck, an ambulance and two fire dept. cars at our neighbor's house down near the lake.

So, I tried to take pictures through the wind and rain but it's really hard to get anything in the dark, through the window. They left at 5:10 a.m., with no flashing lights or sirens. Hope whoever it was is going to be all right. Not a great way to start your day. Understatement.

My abscessed tooth, jaw, etc. is less bad this morning. I believe the doxycycline is finally working its magic. Hope it continues!!!! have a nice day, djb


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