Thursday, August 04, 2011

Here's me this morning around 6 a.m. with an Icy-Hot pain patch on my cheek. Hey, there's Jarrett's helmet in the picture seemingly floating in the air!
Thursday, August 4, 2011 - Yesterday was a day from hell. Today is less horrible, although I'm still in pain from time to time.

I woke up at 2 a.m. (8/3) in SEVERE, EXCRUCIATING pain in my left lower jaw so I took a bunch of Advil and put some Anbesol on my gum. Tried to go back to sleep.

When I got up a little before 6 a.m., I couldn't wait to take some more Advil. Plus, there was the garbage to take out to the street. At least, it wasn't raining any more.

Oh yeah, we had that really bad thunderstorm Tuesday night with winds that were around 70 mph. Lots of sticks in the yard and the pool. Just what I didn't need!!

After I went hysterically berserk from the unrelenting, crushing pain, I decided to take my shower and go into Elburn and see Duke. His son was friends with Jarrett. Anyway, his receptionist told me that he could see me tomorrow unless they had a cancellation. That was fine.

Thank God, someone cancelled and I got in to see the doctor at 2:40 in the afternoon. I have an abscessed tooth and gum and LOTS of trouble in my mouth. Thankfully, he shot me with novacaine so at least the pain was finally gone for a while.

I have to take antibiotics for 10 days and also he gave me some very nice pain killers -- they make me sleepy so I don't care.

Right now, I feel like I was run over by a small truck. And it's very hard to eat anything. Gotta love those soft pretzels!!

Okie. Time to go. I do have to find something to eat. later, djb


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