Friday, July 22, 2011

Here's two star gazers I photographed yesterday morning. Whenever I see two star gazers together, I always think, "THEY LANDED AMONG THE STARS."
Friday, July 22, 2011 - It's about 8:35 a.m., I see that another line of thunderstorms is headed this way.

A little after 1 a.m., this morning, there was a fierce thunderstorm that went through in about half hour to 45 minutes -- only left a half inch of rain but the lightning was unbelievable.

And the thunder was that really loud kind that echos because the clouds are so tall. It was quite intense. I couldn't sleep because I was worried about my plants getting blown away.

....however, this morning, only one plant fell over and there was no wind involved in that one, just a torrential downpour that lasted for a half hour. So, that would be an inch an hour.

Yikes! Better go. snow ya later, djb hahaha


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