Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here's the same view as the Blogger Blog photo taken this morning at 7:02 a.m. with an outdoor temperature of 4 degrees and a wind chill of minus 150 (feels-like temp).
Thursday, January 28, 2010 - As I was viewing this photo and saw the date, I realized that I typed the wrong date on the Blogger Blog. I'll go back and change it after I finish this and you'll never know the difference.

If you know me, you know about my heel situation in the winter. For some reason, my heels crack and the resulting crackage acts like razor blades on my socks. By the end of winter, all of my socks have holes in the bottom. Extremely weird.

So the other day, I decided to put Norwegian hand lotion on my feet and then I put plastic baggies on them and put my socks on. It's starting to ameliorate the effects of the harsh winter attacks on my feet.

The funniest part is when I first put them on and try to walk like a normal person. YIKES! My feet slip and slide as I'm walking. I have to be very, very careful walking down the stairs because it's sort of like walking on ice.

But the good news is that it is working. I'm pretty sure that because I'm half Norwegian, the only lotion that actually works on me would be something from Norway. Well, I'm not even sure if is from there but I'll pretend it is.

It is time to go. Skol. later, djb


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