Friday, January 08, 2010

This is what our driveway looked like at 6:47 a.m. this morning. I chose this picture because there's an orb in it. haha You can see the fox tracks in the snow. Hope he has his fur coat on!
Friday, January 8, 2010 - Thankfully, we didn't get the full brunt of the storm that was predicted by every single weather forecaster around these parts. Not complaining, mind you.

This morning, I definitely feel better. Whatever I had was annoying but apparently, not fatal. Two days ago when I went to the store, I was walking down the health food aisle and I saw a whole bunch of cranberry juice -- each alleging healthful properties.

Whatever sort of disturbance I had, I figured that real, unsweetened cranberry juice HAD to be good for me. WOW! Have you ever had real cranberry juice? Yikes!!! It is soooooooooo sour that you know it has to be good for you.

I also heard that grape juice is good for your memory. Hmmmm, I know I'd heard that before but I forgot. hahaa So, I'm going to add that to my juice list, if I can remember to drink it...

Then, I started thinking about taking Bragg's vinegar so that I don't get arthritis. That's also pretty tart. And I do have some in the refrigerator so it's not like I have to go out and get it.

Seems to me that most maladies can be cured by natural means if we listen to our bodies. Because our bodies are smarter than we are. Think about all the germs that we're exposed to all the time. It's scary, yet miraculous, that any of us manage to fight off those invaders.

Especially, when you see depictions of viruses invading an unsuspecting nose and multiplying exponentially until a person is overcome with an illness. I saw that on Dr. Oz. It was creepy.

Allrighty. Gotta go. This morning, the garage was warmer than the house. That's funny. ~djb


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